We found 1 matching commercial property or business advertisement. Now displaying the final commercial property or business advertisement.ID Number: 1001
For Sale or Lease TEST (heading)
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Business / Property Information
Type of Property / Business:
Business & Property
For sale or lease:
For Sale or Lease
Business Type:
Current Business Use:
Coffee Shop
Total Capital Investment:
capital investment
Year Established:
close for
Building expanable:
Value of Inventory:
Value of inventory
Occupancy %:
occupancy %
Brief Description of Business and Potential Use
brief description of business or property brief description of business or property brief description of business or property
Sales Price:
Annual Revenue:
Lease Rate
$1000 - $2000 per sq ft per month
Other leases available
$5000 - $1000 per unit per year $450 - $5000 per sq ft per month
Liquid Capital Required:
Gross Profit:
Net Worth Required:
net worth required
Business Description:
Prime U.S. 41 location office condo units that project an upscale professional image. Newly renovated with carpet, vinyl, bathroom fixtures, paint. Each unit is 1,000 sq. ft., with the option to expand to connecting unit for additional space. For sale, for lease, lease w/option OR lease-in-place investment opportunity. Beautifully maintained property, with prominent, illuminated signage directly on US 41, and ample parking.