City Search - California
Search for a Business or Commercial Property for sale in California (CA).
Business Owners - Agents - Advertise a Business, Franchise, or any Commercial or Retail Property for sale with photos, floor plans, maps.
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California Real Estate and Businesses for sale include
California Warehouse's for sale, California Office Buildings for sale, California Industrial Buildings for sale, Restaurants for sale in California, Retail Outlets for sale in California, Manufacturing Factories for sale in California, Hotels for sale in California, Wholesale Distribution Warehouse for sale in California, California Shopping Malls for sale Industrial real estate
Our growing data bank of property for sale, property with business for sale, and Industrial / Retail property for sale, links you to a wealth of business opportunities, and resources
Buildings designed for one particular purpose such as churches, theaters, schools, warehouse/storage, public utility, factory, hotel, and agriculture land. Some buildings may be repurposed for other uses, for example a church can be turned into a book store, restaurant, or art gallery or a warehouse can be turned into ‘flex space’ property. As long as zoning permits, changing the type of use could be possible though some reconstruction may be necessary.Whether you are looking for an office space within a building or a free standing property, the location is just as important. Negotiating heavy traffic on your daily commute will stress both your employees, yourself, and any clients (if you serve them face-to-face). It is possible to find a location that’s both affordable, in a secure neighborhood, in a well-maintained and modern structure, is centrally located, has amenities close-by, and has available secure parking facilities.
Owning commercial property for your business can increase your company’s overall worth; adding to the total value of your business can be an investment that pays off when you are ready to retire from business proprietorship, selling your business as a whole or in pieces. Land and property will raise in value over the years, whether you wish to sell or lease it out for monthly income.
Commercial real estate and industrial buildings for sale in California by city